Garden Dirt -- President's Corner
I’ve taken up walking. Since I live in the heart of Kilmarnock, I love walking up and down Main Street and admiring what’s new in the different merchants’ windows. This morning, it was particularly hot and humid. Armed with a water bottle, Fitbit and my new cool-technology neck rag, I set out for my walk. I use this quiet time to reflect on things going on in my life, in my family’s lives and those close to me. I can tune everything out and go into my zone. This particular morning, I keyed in on the sound of the cicadas. I couldn’t see them but I could certainly hear them. About halfway through my walk, it occurred to me that I had been observing all of the beautiful color around me. It was the ubiquitous crepe myrtle. They are everywhere. I’ve got loads of them in my yard. They’re in my neighbors’ yards. Along side streets. Just about anywhere you look, you’ll see a crepe myrtle. What’s fascinating to me is the explosion of flowers and all of the different and magnificent color they exude this time of year. So much flower is packed into one little bud. Their branches bow from the weight of the flowers. A beautiful sight to behold. During the hot, hazy days of summer, they truly are a vision of beauty.
Seeing that it is so hot these days, what better time to take a trip to the beach. Along with 22 other high school girlfriends, I am going to Ocean Isle, NC for a week and staying in a beautiful waterfront home. I get together with these great ladies every two years and this is the year that we are going. Side bar – our house has a beautiful pool. I do not plan to be shark bait! I’ll just take in the beauty of the ocean from our waterfront deck. Unfortunately, I will miss the August club meeting because I will be at the beach.
But, please plan to attend the club meeting in August because Lisa Ziegler of the Gardener’s Workshop will be doing the program and it is one program you will not want to miss. Lisa will be discussing her new book ―Cool Flowers focusing on flowers that are best for cool temperatures that can be planted in late summer and fall for winter and spring blooms. Lisa will be bringing her ―pop up shop and she will be selling seeds, tools, and various other unique items. Also, Lisa will donate back to the club 10% of her proceeds. I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa at the Gardening in the Northern Neck seminar, hosted by the NNK Master Gardeners, this past March. She is knowledgeable and enthusiastic. While I cannot be there, I am leaving my ―wish list with my sister, Carol, and she will do my buying for me! Also, the ―Country Fair themed Small/Standard Flower Show and BBQ Plate lunch is right around the corner. Please read through this newsletter for important reminders and requests for help. The ladies who are on the various committees are working very hard to make this a great event. I have confidence that you will help them in any way you can.
As they say in the music world,
―See You In September.
Cathie Elliott